Sunday 11 February 2024

Pilot Details for 2024 Central Districts Gliding Championships at Waipukurau

Saturday 17th February (practice day), competition Sunday 18th February to Saturday 24th February inclusive

Welcome to all. A large field is expected so please be patient and considerate to others.

Daily briefings will be held in the club rooms on the aerodrome at Waipukurau (there is a map to the airfield on our club web site at

The draft programme is as follows:

1. 10:00am Saturday 17th February - initial briefing starting at 10:00am. All entrants will be required to fully complete and sign an entry form if they have not already done so including vehicle retrieve details and contact cell phone numbers.

2. Sunday 18th through to Saturday 24th inclusive - contest days. 10:00am daily briefing – every day Sunday through Saturday inclusive unless otherwise advised.

3. Planned Meals (subject to confirmation):

a. Sunday evening – our Club is running a BBQ at the airfield

b. Wednesday evening – our Club is running a lamb BBQ dinner at the airfield

c. Friday evening – meal at the airfield

Numbers will be requested and costs confirmed closer to each planned meal.

There are a number of supermarkets, bakeries and cafes in Waipukurau for other food requirements.

4. Further information will be given at the briefings each morning.

5. Glider trailers - the paddock next to the clubhouse is available for trailer parking. All trailers are to be parked in there or parked immediately to the north of the gliding hangar rather than scattered around in aircraft maneuvering and parking areas.

6. Please ensure that the area where aircraft cross the drive where the concrete pad is remains clear of parked gliders and vehicles at all times.

7. For those wishing to camp on the airfield at Waipukurau Airfield, please contact Ross Macdonald prior to arrival. His cellphone number is 021 262-9550, e-mail address and tell him you are coming for the gliding competition. The camping cost is set by the CHB Aeroclub per night per person. Please complete the sheet provided in the club house with the number of people and number of nights you have camped on the airfield and the total cost will be added to the pilots competition account.

8. Tow fees, meal costs, camping costs and any outstanding entry fees will be invoiced by e-mail after the completion of the contest for prompt payment. Actual tow costs will be charged based on the costs incurred.

Enjoy your time in Hawkes Bay and further afield.

Keep the weather gods happy by having some refreshments for them each evening at the friendly aeroclub bar which is scheduled to be open at least from 6pm each night. Please note it is a cash only bar (no credit cards or EFTPOS available).



Competition Information

1. Grid lines will be allocated for Sunday and then rotated every flying day for fairness. First to arrive in each line is to grid on the far side of the runway so the next glider can go alongside.

2. Contest Director details will be advised during briefings. Text landout co-ordinates to the number on the task sheet if possible. All co-ordinates are to be in Degrees: Minutes: Decimal minutes.

3. The Gliding Hawkes Bay & Waipukurau Club contact phone is 027-288-7522. This is for general club inquiries only.

4. The Waipukurau Aerodrome phone number is 06 858-8226. Note this is not always manned.

5. Within 5 nautical miles of the airfield all traffic will use 119.1

                           a. Outside this range use 133.55

                           b. In Napier Control call 124.8

                           c. In Hastings CFZ use 125.8

                           d. In upper airspace call Ohakea on 126.2

                           e. In the Dannevirke/Gorge airspace call Ohakea 125.1

                           f. Transponders are mandatory in Napier and Ohakea airspace

 Refer to current airways maps for required frequencies and airspace requirements. These will also be covered in the briefings.

6. Normal thermal rules apply at all times; first into thermal dictates the direction.

7. Starts are to be given only on 133.55 within 30 minutes of starting.

8. Unless being SPOT or otherwise tracked by the competition director, Ops Normal calls on 133.55 hourly or on request in format “Yankee Papa, Leg Two, Ops Normal” are required.

9. Do not taxi or use a motor in rigging or tie down areas.

10. Pilots without a personal crew must have a vehicle attached to their trailer and keys identified and available on the designated boards.

11. Cloud flying is prohibited.

12. GPS tracks from a height recording GPS are the only acceptable soaring mechanism. More than one unit may be accepted at the discretion of the Contest Director. GPS units shall be handed in as soon as possible on return to the airfield.

13. Pilots shall announce distance and direction of finish at 5 nautical miles and at 2 nautical miles on 119.1.

14. Waipukurau Aerodrome is 430ft ASL, radio for circuits 119.1. All circuits (both left hand [runway 02] and right hand [runway 20]) are to the west of the aerodrome away from the town.

15. When landing, please consider other aircraft traffic and land to give maximum room to other aircraft and vacate the runway and surrounds as soon as possible.

16. Pilots may land straight in as far left as practical if required.

17. Because of poor mobile coverage, pilots should try to radio the planned out-landing site co-ordinates in degrees, minutes and decimal minutes.

18. Pilots shall complete and hand in land out sheets (see below) that include land out co-ordinates and landowner’s name, address and phone number when available.

19. All distances are to be given in nautical miles.



CD Gliding Contest Land Out Information

Please complete and return to the competition director


Pilot:……………………………..…. Glider: ZK-G…………….


Landowner’s name: ……………………………………………..


Address: ………………………………………………………….


Phone Number: …………………………


Latitude: ………………………  Longitude: ………………...…


Date: …… February 2024



Wednesday 2 August 2023

2024 Central Districts Gliding Championships at Waipukurau

Gliding Hawkes Bay & Waipukurau are planning the 2024 Central Districts Championships with the dates of 17th – 24th February 2024 to be held from Waipukurau Airfield.

Practice day 17/02/2024.

7 competition days 18/02/2024 to 24/02/2024 inclusive.

Standard entry fee is $295.

Payments are to be made to Gliding Hawke’s Bay & Waipukurau, SBS Bank, Account: 03 1355 0690287 00.    

Tow costs will be based on actual costs incurred as in previous years.

Camping is available on the airfield as in previous years.

Evening meals will be scheduled for some days with details advised at briefings during the contest.

Entries are open at



Wednesday 15 February 2023

2023 Central Districts Gliding Championships - CANCELLED

Due to the effects of Cyclone Gabrielle, these were cancelled.

They were scheduled to be held at Waipukurau from Saturday 18th February – Friday 24th February 2023 inclusive (due to a planned tennis tournament limiting accommodation options).


Wednesday 23 June 2021

2022 Central District Regional Championships

These were held from Papawai Aerodrome Greytown with practice day Friday 18th February 2022 and contest days from 19th to 26th February 2022 inclusive. The contest was originally scheduled Friday to Friday to avoid conflict with the Vintage Aviator event at Hood Aerodrome on Saturday 26th February 2022.


Organisers: Wellington Wairarapa Gliding Club.

Contact: Brian Sharpe, phone (027) 248-1780, e-mail: